Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

Marsha Power

What a gift the Garbonians are to me and our guests. Happy Father’s Day to all!

As we all honor our dads, Garbo’s dad was Jaybird and he was the best in my book. Jaybird’s business style has carried over. Two of his quotes that I see myself using are: “If you were running you wouldn't be late,” and: “If your mouth is moving, your hands are moving!”

My dad’s pride of ownership and work ethics both hold true for me. Just like him, I know it's the people that matter, not the things or the dollars. If they are cared for, the dollars come.  

He also liked to say to me over and over, “if your head wasn't attached you would lose that too!” Dad, I still haven't mastered that.

Garbo’s other dad is Jonathan Jones. I have never known such a loving father, well...since Jaybird. I adore Jon and am proud to manage Garbo, Inc. with him. It does take a village and we are a loving one.

Hats off to Jaybird and Jonathan, my two favorite fathers, and all Garbonians’ dads.

Happy Fathers day!


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