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What Is A Back Facial?

What Is A Back Facial?

Marsha Power

Hello Gorgeous! Before I explain what a Back Facial is, I just wanna say this, “Everyone, and I do mean everyone, should get a Back Facial!” In fact, I think doctors should prescribe them as an annual exam since we don’t have eyes on our backs and can’t see what could be abnormal back there. We cannot and do not diagnose suspicious looking growths we find on our guests, but we can tell if something we find should be examined, and recommend that they see their doctor about it. So, what exactly is a Back Facial? Marina Elizalde, Garbo’s magical esthetician, explained to me that a Back Facial is simply a facial that she does on your back. She cleanses, tones, exfoliates, extracts, hydrates or detoxifies (whichever is needed) your back while she provides a gentle massage. I barked with laughter when she told me removing blackheads makes her happy! The service lasts about an hour and is very relaxing. Garbo A Salon & Spa is one of a few AVEDA salons that offers this luxury service. Something like this is more likely found at a resort, so we pride ourselves in offering it at our Northcross location. Do you remember me telling you last month about how concerned my mom was about me licking my paws? Well, I’m now seeing a specialist for it and the treatment I get is a lot like a gentle massage on my spine. During one of my treatments the therapist discovered a small bump on my back. It turned out that it wasn’t anything serious, just some “gunk.” I’m sharing this with you because we can’t see what’s on our backs, and when someone works on your back, they may discover something that needs attention. I see health benefits in getting a Back Facial and that’s why I highly recommend getting one. My mom loves getting a back facial by Ms. Marina at Garbo. Back Facials are my “go-to” gift for her on special occasions because I know I can’t go wrong with that. As we enter the holiday season, you might like to know we have a special offer on Garbo gift cards. They can be used to get or give a Back Facial. For the holidays, if you buy a $250 gift card, you get an additional $50 gift card. That’s a $300 value for only $250. Get yours today and book an appointment for a Back Facial with Marina. If you have any questions, you’d like me to answer, please email me at Until the next time, “Take care of yourself. Get a Back Facial…and feel the difference. It has the power to change a ruff, ruff day into a very pleasant one.

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