PFAS...What are they? Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - Chemicals found in most makeup; manufacturers use them to increase water and moisture resistance. Mascara, long lasting lipstick, eye shadow, and foundations often have PFAS included in the ingredients. They are nicknamed 'Forever Chemicals' because they don't break down and are NOT biodegradable. They are required to be listed on an ingredient list if included in a product, look for "PERFLUR". These 'Forever Chemicals' enter our bodies through the delicate skin by eyes, mucous membranes, and our lips. We ingest the chemicals by licking our lips or daily wear of makeup items. PFAS are linked to certain cancers, thyroid disease, liver damage, and known reproductive issues. This entire class of compound are found in work places and our drinking water. What is a solution? Throw away all of those 'long lasting' claim products and buy Aveda! Aveda Makeup is 100% Cruelty Free (Never Animal Tested), 100% Vegan, 100% Solar & Wind Manufactured, Naturally Derived & sourced using sustainable farming practices. Aveda Makeup is 100% PFAS Free! Visit any Garbo location, or order that fresh new set of makeup online: